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Wolverine Footwear for Work
Safety on any job site includes your actions, clothing choices and footwear. In fact, your shoe style can dictate the success of a workday as you move around on unforgiving and uneven ground. Add Wolverine footwear for work to your closet, and you'll appreciate the comfort, style and security that it brings to your day. Brown and black colors highlight these shoes so that they can match nearly any work outfit. For other brands and styles, check out all of our men's steel toe boots for work.
Many job sites have water hazards that are part of a day’s work. Slide on Wolverine waterproof boots so that your feet are always dry. Avoid injury and illness with these Wolverine work boots protecting your feet. Choose from Wolverine steel- or safety-toe boots for those volatile work conditions and to ensure you are as safe as possible. Welding, construction work and other manual labor include hazards that can fall onto your feet in a heartbeat. Composite-toe boots stop tools and other heavy-duty items from crossing through the material and into your toes and are a lighter option.